20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in
the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found.
-Right or appropriate for a particular person,
purpose, or situation
-fit -
appropriate - proper - fitting –
am 20 years old. I did experience a couple of relationships and relationship
messes. I may be too young to discuss on this aspect but Wisdom comes n
maturity and it is a process. God has given us the Word to learn from it and then
earn maturity through Wisdom.
has been specified in the bible how it was purposely intended that men and
women are to be partners in life. Clearly the Lord has given the man a choice
of who to be with in the rest of his existence but the Lord knew the man’s
heart. He understood the situation precisely and has given the man the “suitable”
partner-woman. Given the precise definition of the word “suitable”, it is
indeed crucial and at the same time mysterious to be one’s partner. One has to
be “appropriate” or “fit” to be one’s partner, meaning, it is not randomly
chosen depending merely on emotions, likes, and all else. On the other hand, if
we are to consider solely on finding a “suitable” partner, it can be very
frustrating and can turn one into a perfectionist. I say, we should relate more
in the bible and prayer.
If in Genesis, God has given Adam
Eve, then He can definitely bring us our suitable partner as well.
Wait for the Lord.
He knows exactly who you need.
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