Friday, June 14, 2013

Genesis 5-6: Perks of being a Man of God

18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the arkyou and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you.

Imagine Noah’s generation compared to ours. Well of course we’re not the only ones whom God have seen favor, but think of it as a micro societal way. In some places, in some circumstances, you are a Noah. I am a Noah in my group of friends. I can be a Noah in my high school batch mates, etc. you see, there are times when you are the only one who can stand with your faith and be favored upon by the Lord. This chapter has revealed to me one of the perks of being God’s daughter.
When you are favored, people connected to you will also be favored. The bible didn’t mention if Noah’s family also had great faith as he did. But they are Noah’s family. God’s grace always has extensions because He is limitless. He knew that if He’d only save Noah, it would bring much happiness to Noah that much. He needed to bring his love ones.

Salvation can be brought to his family if he brings them to the ark. Salvation is free but it has to have a will. In the end, of course Noah’s family was saved, because Noah brought them to the ark. In life, we have to bring people to our ark as well. Remember, you are God’s extension of Grace.

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